Maddog Mondays
- Date: EVERY Monday all year long
- Time: 9:00am Shotgun
- Cost: $15 + cart & Green Fee
- Cost Includes: CASH and Credit Book Prizes
- Format: Progressive Modified Quota. Your original points to obtain will be 54 minus your
handicap. (Ex. 20 handicap = 34 points) *Each week your POINTS will be adjusted
50% up or 25% down based on prior round performance.
Double Eagle or Hole-in-One = 12 Points
Eagle = 8 Points Birdie = 5 Points
Par = 3 Points Bogey = 2 Points
D. Bogey = 1 Point T. Bogey+ = 0 Points - Prizes: $6/player goes to the Quota pot – Credit Book
$3/player to individual GROSS skins pot
$3/player to individual NET skins pot
$1.50/player to closest to pins
$1.50/player to year end pot/Travis Cup - Eligibility: Open to anyone
- Deadline: Sunday before tournament at 5:00pm
Point Venture Women’s Golf Association – 9-Holers & 18-Holers
- Date: EVERY Tuesday all year long
- Time: 9:00am Shotgun
- Cost: $20 dues for for the year – $5 entry fee + cart & Green fee each week
- Prizes: A variety of formats each week
- Eligibility: Open to any female
- Deadline: Monday before at 5:00pm
Point Venture Men’s League – Tuesday Night 9-Holers
- Date: EVERY Tuesday
- Time: 3:30pm Shotgun
- Cost: $10 entry fee + cart & Green fee each week
- Cost Includes: CASH and Credit Book Prizes
- Format: Progressive Modified Quota. Your original points to obtain will be 27 minus your
handicap. (Ex. 20 handicap – 19 for 9 holes = 17 points)
Double Eagle or Hole-in-One = 12 Points
Eagle = 8 Points Birdie = 5 Points
Par = 3 Points Bogey = 2 Points
D. Bogey = 1 Point T. Bogey+ = 0 Points - Prizes: $5/player goes to the Quota pot – Credit Book
$2/player to individual GROSS skins pot
$2/player to individual NET skins pot
$.50/player to closest to pins
$.50/player to year end pot/Travis Cup - Eligibility: Open to any male
- Deadline: Day of Tournament at 1:00pm
Point Venture Men’s Golf Association
- Date: EVERY Wednesday all year long
- Time: 9:00am Shotgun
- Cost: $30 dues for the year – $10 entry fee each week + cart & green fee
- Cost Includes: Quarterly Lunch & CASH Prizes
- Prizes: Individual Net – Flighted (100% Hdcp) — 1st Wednesday of Month
ABCD Scramble—3rd Wednesday of Month
Varying formats on other Wednesdays – $10 - Eligibility: Open to ANY male
- Deadline: Day before tournament at 5pm
Wed Night 9-Hole Scramble / Carryover Skins
- Date: EVERY Wednesday
- Time: 3:30pm Shotgun– 9 Holes
- Cost: $10 per player + cart fee
- Cost Includes: CASH Prizes
- Format: ABCD Scramble – 1 Drive per person
- Prizes: ½ the pot goes to Team Score
½ the pot goes to Team Skins – Ball is Drawn to see
who wins skins pot – if no winner, carries over up to $500 - Eligibility: Open to anyone
- Deadline: Day of Tournament at 1:00pm
Thursday Mixed League
- Date: EVERY Thursday all year long
- Time: 9:00am Shotgun
- Cost: $10 + cart & Green Fee
- Cost Includes: Credit Book Prizes
- Format: ABCD Scramble – Net
- Eligibility: Open to anyone
- Day Before Tournament at 5:00pm
Thursday 9-Hole Skins Game
- Date: EVERY Thursday all year long
- Time: 3:30pm T-Times
- Cost: $10 + cart & Green Fee
- Cost Includes: Cash Prizes
- Format: 1/2 pot to Gross Skins and 1/2 pot to Net Skins
- Eligibility: Open to anyone
- Deadline: Day of Tournament at 1pm
- Date: EVERY Friday all year long
- Time: 9:00am Shotgun
- Cost: $15 + cart & Green Fee
- Cost Includes: CASH and Credit Book Prizes
- Format: Individual Net (100%), 1 Low Net of 2 (90% Hdcp) – Random Draw Partner
Individual Gross & Net Skins, Closest to the Pins - Prizes: $4/player goes to Individual Net Pot
$5/player goes to Team Pot
$2.50/player to individual GROSS skins pot
$2.50/player to individual NET skins pot
$1/player to closest to pins - Eligibility: Open to anyone
- Deadline: Thursday before tournament at 5:00pm
Saturday Afternoon 9-Hole Scramble & Skins
- Date: EVERY Saturday all year long
- Time: 3:00pm Shotgun– 9 Holes
5:30pm – ? – Social Hour on the Deck - Cost: $10 per player + cart & Green Fee
- Cost Includes: CASH Prizes
- Format: ABCD Scramble – 1 Drive per person
- Prizes: ½ the pot goes to Team Score
½ the pot goes to Team Skins - Eligibility: Open to anyone
- Deadline: Day of Tournament at 1:00pm