We have set up this spot as a way for the Members to communicate through the website. The type of items that we envision being posted on this board are: Selling or wanting to buy golf clubs, selling or wanting to buy a golf cart, looking for a partner to play in a tournament, does anyone know a good mechanic, any type of announcement you want to make to the Membership, etc.
The way it works is just fill out the form below make sure you include your name, e-mail, address, phone number, and the announcement you would like to make. We will receive an e-mail and post your message within a couple of days. We will put your e-mail address and/or phone number with your post and then the interested party can contact you personally.
We also have a BLOG set up which is the orange B in the bottom right corner of every web page. Here you can interact with each other directly; however, all that is said is available to see by the public.
We hope you enjoy this great little feature of our website!
Bulletin Board Posts
- Check out our new food menus here at the Caddie Shack Sports Bar at Point Venture Golf Club!
Caddie Shack-Pete’s Menu-Final
Caddie Shack Menu 2 – KKC
Caddie Shack Menu 3 – VM